Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Seeing the Good

Disclaimer:  If you are not in the mood for a teacher-y post, stop here!

This week has been kicking my butt.  Like really kicking my butt.  And it is only Tuesday!

If you are not a teacher, you may not quite understand this, being that we just came back from a short break, and that we only TECHNICALLY work from 8:00- 3:00.  (Read technically and understand that, if you are any kind of good, this could not be further from the truth.)

However, if you are a teacher, you know that the demands are great to push your students, have meticulous data to prove it, be ready and willing to have visitors in your room at a moment’s notice, and do all of that while holding your pee, smiling, and channeling Glinda the Good Witch, in an attempt to remain positive and engaging at all times.

However, somewhere through my near tears and piles of writing samples waiting to be filed, I took a merciful moment to think about what went well over the past couple of days.  Ever the reflective one, I am glad I did…

* My incredibly literal, if-he-was-any-cuter-I-wouldn’t-know-what-to-do-with-myself, first grader lost his first tooth ever, and was ecstatic!  One hour, a flimsy tooth-box, and a gym class later, he, I, and our 16 friends were on the search for the tiniest tooth known to man (of course, he lost it!).  I don’t normally talk to the kids like they’re adults, but in a moment of exasperation, I sighed, “This cannot be happening.”  He looked at me and said, “It really IS happening.”  Haha thanks for the slap of reality, buddy!

* One of my students is writing an “All About Miss K” book in Writing.  It is almost as good as the time I was the star in another student’s fairy tale last year.  (Hey, nothing beats being referred to as a “beautiful girl who lived in a big, big house.”)  Love my kids.  And it’s totally mutual.

* I got a hug from a child who has had a permanent “stank face” on since the first week of school.  I’m starting to see her smile more, and I was floored at the hugging today!  Si se puede, chica!  Life is good in first grade.  Promise.

*The kids absolutely FREAKED at dismissal time today when they saw the snow... In a good way.  You would have thought it was the first time they saw it.  Some were trying to catch it on their tongues, some started singing “Let It Snow,” some shrieked with delight, and some needed reminders NOT to eat the snow on the ground.  Sigh.  There’s always one (or three).

* I got an email from a parent I haven’t heard a lot from telling me, that her son is enjoying my class.  She added “y te quiere mucho tambien.”  Week.  Made.  

So data and observations aside, I am reminded that I am a blessed girl, and that, even when I’m stressed, the kids are seeing the beauty in snowflakes, “all about” books, and lost teeth.  I don’t want to become so wrapped up in the other stuff that I miss it.  I know there’s more good on the way.


This weekend, I had the privilege of attending one of the coolest parties.   

I knew that one of my good friends from college was having a surprise party for her boyfriend’s 25th birthday.  (PS- Rach and Jim, are without question the cutest and most genuine couple of all time, and I kinda wanna be them one day.  Unless that sounds creepy.  Hopefully you know what I mean.)

What I did not know was that Rachel would truly go ALL out, creating the ultimate “craft beer tasting” experience, complete with a variety of beers (I learned “golden” does not refer to the color of the bottle), tiny white lights on the ceiling (for the beirgarten look), pretzel necklaces (to cleanse the palette), and glasses customized for the occasion.  Anyone who walked into Jim’s parents’ house was BLOWN away by the detail and planning that went into it.

With the super special birthday guest of honor :)

I looked on, in awe, secretly (not-so-secretly?) admiring the amount of love in the room, and thinking that what the world really needs are more surprise parties.  (Although it did seem to take a lot of planning, and waiting for the guest of honor to arrive and be surprised was stressful enough, so no rush on that!)

Love these gorgeous girls

AND I had a fun time tasting beer!  Who would have thought?!  

Aspiring beer connoisseurs?  Not quite!

… But I am not quitting my day job.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Give Thanks

This year, Thanksgiving was a little bit different.  Due to a few unusual circumstances, we found out it would just be the four of us at home this year.

While I was, of course, sad to be missing the family members I usually spend this day with, I knew I would be sharing it with my three favorite people in the world, so it would be nothing short of amazing.  (If this makes you want to roll your eyes, or worse, I am so sorry, but I’m calling it as I see it, and this is how I see it!)

And amazing it was…

We baked.

Totally forgot to post an after pic-- sorry Jess!

I wanna marry this gooey cake.  Seriously.  It did not make it to our table in one piece, but at least I instagramed it first!  Couldn't resist ;)

This is before adding most of the food... simple...  Just how we like it! :)

We decorated.

We ate.

I wanna make out with this pie... sooooo good!
We shared stories, smiled, and laughed.  A lot.

Haha neither one is ready!  Classic!

We prayed for those who weren’t with us, and we thanked God for everything we have.  

And, as this day usually causes me to do, I reflected.  I am grateful that I did not get the husband, the house, and the job in Monmouth County for-the-rest-of-my-life-till-I-retire, right away (although one day I really do want all of these things).  I’m grateful that I get to live on my own, meet some awesome people, teach some of the most beautiful babies on the planet (I MIGHT be biased), and speak Spanish every day.

Most of all, I’m grateful for what I have—right here.

 Happy (belated) Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


My friends and I like to say that there are no bad dates—there are only good dates or good stories.  While that may be true, I have come across QUITE the batch of good stories on my quest for love, via online dating, this summer.  At the risk of being vulnerable, these are way too good to keep to myself, so here you go!

He may not be for you IF:
·         -He corrects your Spanish (or really, in any language!)
·         -He has never heard of iced coffee (or maybe that’s just me ;) )
·         -He walks on tippy-toes the majority of the time and sings to   himself during regular conversation with you (we're not talking the occasional ditty-- if the moment you start to open your mouth, he busts out the showtunes, adios!)
·         -He tells you within a half hour of meeting you that you’re going to be seeing A LOT of his family
·         -He antagonizes the taxi driver/ waiter/ etc.
·         -He thinks Europe is a country.
·         -He asks, “Are those earrings real diamonds?”

There is more, but, in hopes of protecting some dignity, I will save those for another time.  There is a cover for every pot, as they say, and bless their hearts-- I know these guys will find love, just not with me!  And to top of the clichés, you have to kiss a few frogs… however it goes.  As one of my favorite rappers has said, “Onto the next!” (And if you know someone who can refrain from correcting, knows Spain is in Europe, and will smile at the waiter, send him my way! ;) )